Research and Writing: Children's Nonfiction for Education

Regular $129.50
Friend $116.55
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Children's and Young Adult Literature
Open to All Levels
The Loft at Open Book
Number of Sessions
Day of the Week
Single Session
Children's and Young Adult Class Rectangle

If you've tried to get your creative work published and haven't been able to, yet, come to this class to discover another writing option. Schools need more nonfiction, which means educational publishers are looking for skilled writers to research, write, and work with an editor(s). Emphasis on research. This is time-consuming and sometimes frustrating, but if you love learning new facts and enjoy making that information accessible for children, this is the genre for you.

Even fiction writers are welcome to explore this genre, especially since fiction sometimes entails a lot of research, too. You'll learn how to apply for assignments, what to expect from a contract, the pros and cons of the genre, how to do research, and more. You’ll have prep time during your hour lunch to prepare a query letter and work sample to workshop during the afternoon session (remember to bring a bag lunch!). We’ll spend about 75% of the time working on writing activities and workshopping.

Be sure to bring a laptop/tablet because we’ll be using it in class.

This class takes place in-person, at the Loft at Open Book; we encourage participants to be fully vaccinated and masked in the interest of everyone’s safety. Please see the Loft’s website for the most up to date information about the Loft’s COVID policies.